Chemical Formula: Na(Li,Al)Al6(Si6O18)(BO3)3(OH)3OH
Rubellite Tourmaline
Better known as Pink Tourmaline, Rubellite is a beautiful, tough and hard precious gemstone extremely rich in Lithium, which attributes to its raspberry coloration. Historically misrepresented as Ruby, Rubellite specimens are prized for their beautiful hues and prismatic crystal growths. Especially pink-hued crystals are the result of prolonged irradiation from its environment in nature. Some hand specimen crystals have been shown to have Lepidolite retrograding (meaning it “alters” to a lithium-rich mica) while “crystal-clear” crystals are used primarily in gem cutting and jewelry. It is also a great alternative October Birthstone!
Metaphysical Properties
Super feminine energetic powers! Rubellite is an ultimate heart chakra stone. Helping your emotional well being and spirituality can open your heart chakra, giving peace and harmony. Love and spirituality go hand-in-hand and Rubellite encourages compassion and gentleness. Keep this variety of Tourmaline with you when you feel “off” or imbalanced emotionally. Rubellite is also a stone of friendship, sympathy and encouragement.