Pearl is a traditional birthstone for June.
Organically derived and held precious since the dawn of man, the Pearl is a true gift of the sea! Found in nature by chance (scavenging for food), techniques in culturing pearls have been accomplished and practiced for centuries utilizing natural phenomenons. The culturing process involves using select freshwater mollusks predominantly from southern states in the United States. Specially trained technicians implant a small round bead derived from mollusk shell, called a nucleus, into a mollusk’s reproductive organs through a small incision made. A small piece of donor tissue is then placed into this cavity to seal the opening. The organism is then re-submerged in salt or fresh water (two slightly different techniques) where it begins its cultivation process. Giving at least 18-24 months, the mollusk produces a Nacre (mother-of-pearl) coating around the nucleus. The longer the mollusk waits to be harvested, the thicker the coating of Nacre. After harvested and processed, the best pearls are graded by their luster and overtone.
Metaphysical Properties
The Pearl is a sign of royalty and power. Dating back to ancient times, Pearls have been used in jewelry, adornments and currency. Wearing Pearl gives the user a boost of self confidence and worth. Resonating with the Crown Chakra, Pearl is a great stone to keep the mind sharp and quick-witted. From its ocean-forming biogenic origins, Pearl captures both ocean tidal and moon energies, which are connected closely with life, birth and creation. In the south pacific, the Pearl is a symbol of protection for divers that swim in predatory infested waters. Other areas of the world view the pearl as a symbol of fertility promotion while others view it as a good luck charm.